As the pace of change continues in the insights industry and beyond, it’s clear that the Covid-19 pandemic has not just changed our lives but left a permanent imprint on what we value and our everyday behaviours, from how we shop and where we work to what we eat, how we exercise and beyond.
In the face of these ongoing changes, we’re continuing to track updates with our Global Barometer – a regular index that taps into Toluna’s community panel of more than 36 million members to provide accurate, timely information on global perceptions in the face of the coronavirus.
Today, we’re delivering key findings from the Wave 16 Global Barometer Study: specifically, findings based on results from 1,083 people surveyed in the UK. From being more money-conscious and health-focused to prioritising family time, here’s a look at what British consumers report feeling, thinking and prioritising 15 months into the pandemic and where opportunities exist for brands.
You can download the full Wave 16 Global Barometer Study by filling out the form on the right.