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The Future of Customer Experience – July 2021

Every retailer knows that, as their options expand, customers are getting harder to please. But new developments are making it easier to do so, from voice assistants that can sense a customer’s mood to colour-matching software that mean they don’t end up buying the wrong sofa online – and more besides…

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The Best of British Business – July 2021

From packaging and railways to wine investors and PR firms, businesses everywhere are gradually clawing their way out of the pandemic doldrums and into whatever world the “new normal” turns out to be. Hopefully it’ll be a brave new one… read more inside.

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The Future of Retail 2021

Covid has hastened a “great reset” in how both customers and retailers think about the shopping experience, whether in the convenience of a booming delivery sector or a desire to make retail more personal. Read more inside…

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The Future of Work and Human Capital – June 2021

Generation Z is making up an increasing part of the workforce. And in the wake of a global pandemic, the demand for more people-friendly ways and places of working – and for employees to have more say in how and where they do their jobs – has never been greater. Read more inside…

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The Future of Insurance – June 2021

Has the whirlwind year of 2020 finally pushed the insurance sector into the 21st century? Read more about how insurtech innovations, big data and positive CX are supplanting ill-suited legacy systems and drawn-out bureaucracy in our latest special report…

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The Future of Customer Experience – April 2021

As shopping becomes more streamlined, consumers demand more, and take more for granted. “Customer experience” is now seen as a major differential – and technology is one of the keys to providing a CX that makes you stand out from the competition. Read more inside…

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The Best of Business -April 2021

With the double-whammy tidal wave of Covid and Brexit hitting the UK over the same turbulent period, the country’s businesses have been tested like never before. This has brought both encouraging success stories and grim reminders of existing problems – read more inside…

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Future of Retail – April 2021

Where, when and how we shop has been an ever-changing variable since Amazon sold its first book in the late 90s. But Covid has added an additional wild card to the mix… read more inside

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Future of Insurance – March 2021

The insurance sector is rapidly casting off its traditional dusty stereotype to embrace digital transformation and become one of today’s most forward-thinking industries. Read more inside…

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Smart Cities – March 2021

Designing buildings, cities and public spaces that better serve their inhabitants has been the aim of architects and civil engineers for hundreds of years. But the rise of connected devices has opened up huge new potential in making them not just better, but smarter. Read more inside…

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