Innovative technology from Anuvia Plant Nutrients helps agriculture sustainably feed a growing population.
Our planet is tasked with producing food on a finite amount of land to meet the demands of a world population forecast to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. With recent data suggesting agriculture accounts for over 37 per cent of the Earth’s land use and two thirds of its water use, finding ways to maximise these precious resources in a cost-effective manner is one of the biggest challenges facing modern agriculture today.
Anuvia is an agricultural tech start-up that empowers farmers to implement new sustainable practices to produce abundant food while enriching the soil and the planet for future generations. Anuvia manufactures high-efficiency, bio-based plant nutrients made by reclaiming organic waste that otherwise would be discarded. For every ton of waste used, approximately a ton of new fertiliser is produced. Anuvia’s production facility in Zellwood, Florida is the first of its kind in the world, establishing a new standard in plant nutrient manufacturing and organic waste utilisation.
The innovative technology is a proprietary nutrient delivery system called the Organic MaTRX™, which mimics organic matter in nature. As the nutrients are slowly released, better nutrient utilisation is achieved, increasing efficiency and crop yield while reducing nutrient loss into air and water. Anuvia’s products return up to 16 per cent organic matter back to the soil. Anuvia fosters improved soil health and water quality, increased yield and profitability, and the assurance that we can sustainably produce crops for generations to come.
Anuvia is a tangible example of a circular economy in which resources are reclaimed, converted and then reused. In the case of agricultural crops, the circular economy begins with crops planted, fertilised and grown. Those crops are used for human and livestock consumption with waste being created. Anuvia reclaims this waste and converts it into a sustainable plant nutrient. The cycle is completed as Anuvia products return nutrients and organic matter to the soil, feeding the next crop while nourishing and improving the soil.
Reclaiming waste at the end of the food chain has been largely ignored thus far in production agriculture, creating a further burden on already crowded landfills. According to the EPA, agriculture accounts for nearly 10 per cent of all greenhouse gas emission in the United States. Greenhouse gases are produced when traditional fertilisers are manufactured and used, contributing N2O and CO2 into the atmosphere.
Recent results from a study conducted by Environmental Resources Management (ERM), a leading global environmental consulting firm, found that Anuvia’s technology reduces greenhouse gases on a crop production acre by up to 32 per cent, when compared with conventional fertilisers. The study indicates that, for every million acres of crops that use Anuvia’s technology, the reduction in greenhouse gases would be equal to the equivalent of removing 20,000 to 30,000 cars from the roads. With 90 million acres of corn in the United States alone, if these crops were treated with Anuvia’s plant nutrients, that would conservatively translate to 1.8 million cars removed from use.
With little to no financial or operational barriers to adoption, Anuvia is poised to make an overnight impact on the agriculture industry, helping farmers drastically reduce their environmental footprint while more efficiently feeding their crops, growing healthier crops and, ultimately, producing more from their current acreage. In a world where natural resources are becoming more and more finite, it’s the kind of environmentally responsible technology that also makes good business sense.
To learn more about Anuvia Plant Nutrients – SymTRX for agriculture, GreenTRX for golf and landscape, and ANUGREEN for home lawncare, visit