q Embracing IoT for digital transformation with Advantech - Business Reporter

Digital Transformation

Bob Vale, IoT Business Development Manager and Orchestrator, Advantech

With six billion devices now connected to the internet, businesses across many sectors are starting to consider implementing IoT, if they haven’t already begun. However, many C-suites are turning their back on digital transformation opportunities, with over-promises from experts leading to results never materialising. So what are the misconceptions that lead to C-suite concerns, and what solutions are available to tackle this head on?

Many organisations are already seeing huge advantages of IoT, so if businesses don’t follow suit they will soon find themselves at a disadvantage against their competitors.

At Advantech, we often find that proof of concept (POC) is proof of technology, rather than proof of value. Therefore, when we face a number of stakeholders, from engineers to C-suite members, it can be hard to define a POC and justify the investment to meet the different requirements of the board. To remedy this, Advantech engage C-suite members from day one, ensuring that the POC produces tangible results.

With complex and varied resources needed to make IoT deliverable and usable within a company, it’s vital to put the “why” at the forefront of the conversation, followed by the “how”, in order to tackle implementation.

Advantech ensures that the delivery of its solutions is as smooth and fast as possible by pulling together pre-integrated and pre-validated solutions, tailored to specific verticals or applications. We use these use-cases and partnerships as building blocks, using the same fundamental pieces in different ways, to create a unique end-solution each time. This means that our customers can see the ROI and results of our solutions even before implementation.

Similarly, we engage in partnerships with various organisations to expand our capabilities, domain knowledge and expertise, allowing us to co-create solutions that are ready to be deployed quickly. This collaboration element means we can easily show our capabilities to C-suites and has led to Advantech being an industry leader in this space.

Overall, successful deployment of IoT hinges on three factors: developing the “why” before embarking on digital transformation, engaging with best-in-breed solution providers, and defining an implementation roadmap consisting of concise stages to follow.

Learn more about Advantech’s IoT solutions here.

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