q Connect more, wire less: what will the wireless internet do for me? - Business Reporter

Connect more, wire less: what will the wireless internet do for me?

by Jason Wells, VP and General Manager EMEA, Cradlepoint

It’s easy to assume that wireless internet connectivity is reaching saturation point. With nearly nine billion wireless connections already in place around the world, many countries have gone way beyond the stage of simply having more than one mobile device per person.  Wireless internet connectivity is extending to vehicles, remote sites and a whole range of new devices that make up the internet of things (IoT).

The impact of this will be enormous. Gartner forecasts that 14.2 billion connected “things” will be in use this year, and that total will accelerate further to 25 billion by 2021.

As diverse as these applications are, what many of them have in common is that they will need to use wireless internet. So, for every business, this massive new wave of wireless connectivity raises an important question: what more can wireless do for me?

Better, faster, stronger

The answer is, much more. Wireless connectivity technology – in the form of 4G LTE – has developed rapidly in recent years. Gigabit LTE now offers speeds far exceeding those provided by wired connections, and this will continue to improve as we move along the pathway to 5G.

For evidence of our wireless working future, we only need look at the retail industry.  Retailers use wireless internet to process payments, protect themselves from fixed-line network downtime, and provide connectivity for remote or pop-up outlets. They also use the management tools to monitor and control connectivity for hundreds or thousands of locations.

Cities around the world are leading the charge on wireless connectivity and IoT, with smart city initiatives using 4G LTE to improve the efficiency of many city functions, including emergency services, traffic management, energy conservation, utility monitoring and security. This drive towards increased connectivity is providing a better quality of life for citizens while reducing the cost of city services and infrastructure.

Pathway to 5G

The arrival of 5G is poised to accelerate the development and adoption of many new technologies. As we move further down the pathway to 5G and wireless connectivity continues to improve, more organisations will find innovative ways of bringing people and data together.

Many will create new business models beyond our current thinking. Consider this – in 2006, before the birth of 4G LTE, how many of us had imagined Uber or Snapchat? We are on the verge of a similar – and likely more revolutionary – jump in wireless technology applications.

It’s not simply about faster connectivity speeds or better reliability but the potential 5G offers for transporting intelligence. The real question is, what will the wireless internet do for you? For a technology that is already shaping our lives, those who can answer this question will be the architects of the future.

To arrange your ‘Pathway to 5G’ Educational workshop, email EMEA@cradlepoint.com and to find out more, visit our website here.

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© Business Reporter 2021

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