q The future of work: entrepreneurialism at the Corre - Business Reporter

The future of work: entrepreneurialism at the Corre

The workplace is changing. Recent research by Studio Graphene revealed that more than a quarter of UK adults would like to start their own business, with entrepreneurialism now a career aspiration of millions who want to take back control of their lives. Also, given that according to RSA there are 1.1 million people in the UK now working in the gig economy, clearly there’s significant change ahead.

At Procorre, a next-generation management consultancy, we have entrepreneurialism in our DNA and are committed to developing the individual skillsets of our staff and securing cutting-edge projects for our growing portfolio of consultants. We’re broadening our proposition and are investing in exciting new ventures that we believe will be significant to the economy. We’re evolving our business for the future of work as we see it, in order to be at the forefront of UK industry.

Best of both worlds

Despite changing attitudes and aspirations, we understand that making the step from full-time employment into the world of becoming a self-employed consultant can be daunting, even for the most seasoned of industry professionals. With this in mind, we like to do things differently. We provide a multitude of benefits for our consultants – including private healthcare, legal advice, continued pay through illness and global mobility advice and support for any projects abroad – but also provide the flexibility and the financial rewards that a career in consultancy brings. We believe this approach to not only be critical to the future success of our industry, but a potential blueprint for wider future employment. Most of the larger, traditional management consultancies are behind the curve when it comes to understanding how people want to work and what makes them tick.

Our forward-thinking business model is already helping us to build a reputation for being the consultancy of choice, and one that takes an alternative approach. We were set up by entrepreneurs and this entrepreneurial mindset continues to run deep throughout the organisation in how we work with our consultants and clients.

Being the change we want to see

Currently, more than 1,000 of our consultants work around the world on projects for some of the world’s largest banks, multinationals and global conglomerates. Yet we believe more should be done in the industry to recruit higher numbers of women into these top consulting positions. As a result, we are actively engaged with a number of initiatives to bring about change and create the workplace of the future as we see it.

We launched our Procorre100 campaign at the end of last year, and the initiative will see us recruit 100 women in 100 business days into our network, using the consultancy model as a force for good to help drive this movement within our target sectors. Many of which – such as information technology, cyber-security and financial services – are hugely underrepresented when it comes to female consultants.

Creating opportunity

As an innovative entrepreneurial business we are always on the lookout for growth sectors where we have the skills and knowhow to run successful client projects and can provide our consultants with new opportunities.

The medical devices industry is one sector where we’ve worked with our consultants and project teams to successfully enter a new space. We’ve also recently identified another burgeoning market ripe with opportunity where we already have a great level of expertise: that of renewable energy.

Through Procorre’s backing of CorreEnergy, a new global business which will unlock the substantial hidden value of renewable energy sources, we will create opportunity for our consultants across a raft of disciplines required to realise this mammoth project over the next five years.

Corre Energy is a global platform to provide “Storage as a Service (SaaS)” for energy, underpinned by blockchain technology, to address failures in regulated power markets globally. The model involves the virtualisation of electricity storage from aggregated mass-energy storage facilities. It is then provided as a service to wholesale and retail customers. Renewables storage also provides many socioeconomic benefits, which are not currently rewarded by the regulated wholesale electricity market.

To meet the significant demand for skills that this new project will generate, we’re looking for consultants across a broad range of specialisms, ranging from industrial control systems to cyber-security and everything in between.

Follow this link to find out more about Corre Energy, and have the chance to register your interest as a consultant or potential partner/investor.

by Anne O’Donnell, CEO of Procorre

© Business Reporter 2021

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