q Supporting suppliers on net zero and sustainability - Business Reporter

Wednesday 30 March 2022, 16:00 (GMT)

Supporting suppliers on net zero and sustainability

Join this SupplyChainTalk to answer some of the biggest questions facing the supply chain industry including: 

  • If most suppliers are not truly transparent about the sustainability of their supply chain, what needs to change?
  • Why you should bring your supply chain managers into your organisation’s sustainability strategy.
  • Understanding the complexity of your supply chain so you can track, communicate and address sustainability from end-to end


Duncan Brock

Group Director at CIPS, SupplyChainTalk Host

Duncan Brock is a member of the leadership team of CIPS. He’s had a specific interest throughout his career on implementing category management and developing the skills and capabilities of procurement teams. His procurement experience comes from working for Ford, Mars, Black & Decker, NTL (now Virgin Media) and RSA. He is also a CIPS spokesperson for conferences and media interviews on supply chain matters.

Alexandra Hammond

Head of Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chain, NHS England and NHS Improvement

In her role at NHS England and Improvement, Alexandra is responsible for the delivery of supply chain decarbonisation across the NHS’s 80,000 suppliers, and work with the supply chain, NHS Trusts, and the wider system to deliver meaningful change. In addition to working towards net zero carbon, the work she lead seeks to stamp out modern slavery in the healthcare supply chain, as well as deliver social value and ensure local communities benefit from health care spend.

Alexandra is a sustainability and net zero carbon specialist who has led on embedding net zero and sustainable development across several organisations, including the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS), Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust and the health system of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

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